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[TLL]∎ Descargar Gratis Hope Beyond Hell The Righteous Purpose of God Judgment edition by Gerry Beauchemin Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Hope Beyond Hell The Righteous Purpose of God Judgment edition by Gerry Beauchemin Politics Social Sciences eBooks

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Download PDF Hope Beyond Hell The Righteous Purpose of God Judgment  edition by Gerry Beauchemin Politics  Social Sciences eBooks

“Have you been tormented by the thought of dying? Do you know the anguish of thinking that you or a loved one might suffer in hell forever? You are not alone. As I read 'Hope Beyond Hell', I cried for joy. It assures us of a Love that never gives up on us no matter how miserably we fail.”
Charles Slagle - Author, Evangelist

“I love Hope Beyond Hell; it changed my life. After 60 years of being afraid of God, I was finally introduced to the true God of infinite love, who is bound neither by time nor death; the Savior of the whole world.”
Dr. Terry Schwartz Prof., Wheaton College

“Not fancy theories, but numerous Scriptures and quotes from Bible scholars of many generations. Everyone needs to read and study this book.”
Richard W. Rundell, Ph.D.

"One of the best books ever written showing from Scripture that God's judgments are remedial.”
Dr. Stephen Jones, M.Div., D.D., Author, speaker

“As a hospice chaplain for 14 years, I counseled hundreds of dying patients. In my experience, Christians believing in eternal punishment, especially in literal fire, were much more fearful of death than others. How can this be since Christ came to free us from the fear of death (Heb. 215)? Hope Beyond Hell gives a Biblical basis for total peace in the face of death.”
Rev. Boyd Purcell, M.A., M.Div., Ph.D. Author, speaker

"The magnificent love and wisdom of God has not been written about with such clarity since the days of the patriarchs. I have waited 25 years for it."
Michael Wm. Gross, D.D., Th.D., Ph.D.

"Will inspire love, peace, joy, and hope – all the fruit of the Spirit – in your own heart."
Thomas Talbott, Professor Emeritus, Willamette University

"I first learned, espoused, and taught the truths presented in this book over 40 years ago. Hope Beyond Hell encapsulates them better than any I have read."
Bill Boylan, Ph.D., Author, Speaker

"This is an excellent book."
Bob Evely, M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary

"Answers the questions we have been afraid to ask about God's unfailing love and inexhaustible patience."
Pastor Ivan A. Rogers, Former Bible College President

"One of the most balanced studies available on the remedial judgments of God and the great truth of the restoration of all things in Christ. A logical, common sense way the average layman can understand. This is a book about the love of God."
Rev. Terry Miller, M. Phil, Former Pres., Bethesda Mennonite Ins. of the Bible

"A bold and impassioned plea for Christians of every stripe to consider the grand proposition that God's goodness, grace and love reaches farther than most of us have ever dared to imagine. Gerry‘s comprehensive research of the biblical record and extra-biblical sources is powerfully, even overwhelmingly compelling. All who read this book with a spiritual mind and listen with spiritual ears will receive a deepened revelation of Christ in God."
Dr. Bruce A. Gerlach, Professor, College of the Ozarks

"Layer by layer, concept by concept, this book will loose the bonds of insanity that has plagued the Church for centuries."
Grady Brown, M.Th, D.Litt.
Director and founder of Dayspring Bible Ministries

"One of the most concise books covering the subject of the righteous purpose of God's judgment. The reader will see that God will not rest until He will become All in all (1Cor 1528)."
Dr. Marian Paul Kampik, Silesian University, Poland

"Excellent and well researched. I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit is using Gerry at this very important time in Church history."
Rev. Rod Walton CJ Anglican Ind Communion,
Founder of Bereavement Rescue, U K

"For decades I have questioned the need for and the justice of eternal punishment in light of God being love. This is a well-researched book, providing fresh insights into the teachings of the Church Fathers, and difficult texts like Mat. 25 and Luke 16. Even if one does not agree with his conclusion, one does feel reassured about the extent of God's love in Christ.

Hope Beyond Hell The Righteous Purpose of God Judgment edition by Gerry Beauchemin Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Most Christians might admit that Jesus could save everyone - but they repel at the idea that He WILL save everyone, eventually. - - - - - -
After reading this book I realized that there are many scriptures most Christians, pastors, theologians, professors, etc., simply set aside because they don't want to see them for what they declare.
Read this book and explore what is really meant by: "Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess".
Read this book and understand I Corinthians 4:10 - ". . . because we have our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of ALL people, especially of those who believe." - - - Most pastors skip this verse completely.
Read this book and grasp a clear understanding of the fact that we ALL inherit sin and death from Adam - and we ALL inherit righteousness and life from the second Adam, Jesus Christ. [Romans 5:18]

Our desire to praise and glorify God grows exponentially when we see the truth of His word and the fact that God has a plan to redeem EVERYONE through His amazing Son - and He gains ALL THE GLORY!

Product details

  • File Size 3077 KB
  • Print Length 262 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1461019540
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Malista Press; Third Revision 2016 edition (December 1, 2015)
  • Publication Date December 1, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B001T4Z81C

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Hope Beyond Hell The Righteous Purpose of God Judgment edition by Gerry Beauchemin Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews

I took notes and kept track of my favorite quotes, so below you will find a lot of ideas featured in this book.

Here's a quick summary. The author believes that God is too loving to make Hell a permanent punishment. He believes Hell exists, but that eventually people can become repent and have a saving faith in Jesus. At this point, there soul will move from Hell to Heaven. This will continue in Hell until every soul that ever went there ends up in Heaven. At that point, Hell will continue to exist, but it will be empty of all human souls.

This is different than Universalism because people that hold to this belief do not believe that all beliefs are equally valid. They believe Christ is the only way to Salvation. Therefore, non-believers would have to come to a belief in Christ before being allowed into Heaven (This is where the verse that says “Every knee will bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord” comes into play).

Even if I don't agree with his ultimate conclusions, the author does a good job at outlining his argument and using Scripture to defend his viewpoint. However, I sometimes think that the Bible can be used to prove any point of view if you do enough hermeneutical gymnastics.

Here are a lot of notes and quotes from the book

-First, the author says that a traditional view of Hell means that our all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God created billions of people, knowing most will be tormented in Hell forever. Should we question the character of God if we believe this about Him?

-If that is so, “who suffers most in eternal damnation, man or God who loves man with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 313).”

-“How can Christ be considered greater than Adam if Adam has the power to condemn more people than Christ has the power to save?”

-“What is right about a punishment that never ends?”

-“An eternal Hell maligns God’s character before the world. It contradicts His unending and unfailing love for all people.”

-This also makes our worship stem more from fear than of true affection, and denies his unlimited power to accomplish all His will.

-“Can you imagine the horror of suffering forever?”

-The author concludes that Hell is a judgment from God, but not an everlasting one.

-“There is no word in the whole (Bible) corresponding with our ‘eternal,’ which as commonly used among us, means absolutely without end. The strongest Scripture word used with reference to the existence of God, is 'unto the ages of the ages,’ which does not literally mean eternally.”

-What if the Greek word “aion” does not mean “everlasting?” What would that do to the “biblical support” or an infinite Hell?

-Many reputable translations of the Bible use “age” instead of “eternal” when translating the Greek word, “aion.” These two words are very different. “An age has a beginning and an end; eternity does not.”

-“The key defense of the eternal punishment depends on this word meaning absolute eternity.”

-Aion – could be translated as age or age-abiding, eon – the King James Version translates this one word 9 different ways – age, course, end, eternal, everlasting, evermore, (for) ever, never, and world

-As an example, in the first 3 chapters of Ephesians, the word aion is used 7 times. Out of those 7 times, the King James Version translators chose 5 different English words (ages, course, end, eternal, and world) to translate that one Greek word.

-Furthermore in these first 3 chapters, genea (generation), a totally different word, is translated twice as “ages.”

-The author believes the translators believed in eternal punishment, so when they started the translating process, their preconceived notions influenced how they interpreted certain words.

-“The Psalmist also writes, ‘His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life’ (Psalm 305). Why is it that on Earth God’s anger lasts but a moment and His favor is for life, but (tradition says) after death, His favor is not even a moment, and His anger is forever? How can God’s love change so drastically at the beat of a heart?”

-“Justice does not come solely from punishment, but from punishment with a view towards restitution…How can justice require infinite penalty from creatures born in sin through no fault of their own, prone to sin by an inherited weakness (Adam’s curse), created with imperfect knowledge, surrounded by demons tempting on every side, and all in light of Christ’s propitiation for the sins of the whole world (1 John 22, John 129)?”

-The early Church Fathers understood the word “fire” in the Bible to be something very positive. “Fire was an element of life, of purification, or transformation, and never…for purposes of anguish. For them, fire was the sign of God’s being, not His wrath.”

-Paul never once mentions Hades or Gehenna in all his letters (or in Acts), except to proclaim its defeat.

-This viewpoint was known and accepted during the first 500 years of church history when believers read the Scriptures in Greek.
Since we know that God is love, the fact that everyone will eventually be saved is the only logical explanation for humanity's future. When the bible is properly translated and correctly explained it all becomes so clear and this book, which is based entirely on countless scriptures, does just that. I can't recommend this book highly enough. It dispells centuries of teaching eternal punishment and replaces it with peace, joy and truth. Although much of mankind will not go unpunished it is NOT forever. A great, great book!!
This book delivers one more gigantic ax-blow to the rotting trunk of the ever-torturing hell fallacy. Any person with the sensibilities still intact that God gave us eventually will at some time in their lives come to the realization that there is something horribly inconsistent with a God who IS (not just HAS) love, and an unrelenting, excruciatingly agonizing hell.

The truly GOOD news that this books delivers needs to be circulated. Consider buying a few copies for your local library, if they don't already carry it. My local metro library system has over 30 branches, but didn't carry this book, but were willing to accept a donation of 7 copies. You can possibly do the same thing in your area, and do it very inexpensively. The author has a website (hopebeyondhell dot net) where you can pay as little as $2 a copy plus postage for this book - a real incentive to ordering multiple copies to give to others.
My journey with God has taken me on a lifetime of fascinating discoveries, starting as a childhood believer in my parents religion to a brief rebellion as an agnostic and then atheist as I ran from God and (I thought) all religion. To my surprise the farther I tried to run from God the more I was drawn to Him as I realized that it was taking a lot more faith and therefore I was becoming a lot more religious as I strived to believe my creation and the entire universe was a random act than to accept the obvious that my creation and the universe I lived in was filled with order, intelligence, and beauty. These experiences were the beginning of my personal relationship with God. The closer I get to God through prayer and Bible study the more I want to know Him and the more I trust Him with my life. This has lead me to pray for about two years that He would teach me His gospel, His "Good News" and that He would also teach me how to share it with those He places in my life. Well this has lead me to this wonderful book Hope Beyond Hell that is the greatest good news I believe I have always known and that Gerry so well documents, that God actually does love the world enough to die for us all with no exceptions and it is His will that in accordance to His will every knee will eventually bow and every tongue will in fact will joyfully confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. It is an answer to my prayers and has changed my life and my understanding of my God in profound ways. Thank you Gerry.
Most Christians might admit that Jesus could save everyone - but they repel at the idea that He WILL save everyone, eventually. - - - - - -
After reading this book I realized that there are many scriptures most Christians, pastors, theologians, professors, etc., simply set aside because they don't want to see them for what they declare.
Read this book and explore what is really meant by "Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess".
Read this book and understand I Corinthians 410 - ". . . because we have our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of ALL people, especially of those who believe." - - - Most pastors skip this verse completely.
Read this book and grasp a clear understanding of the fact that we ALL inherit sin and death from Adam - and we ALL inherit righteousness and life from the second Adam, Jesus Christ. [Romans 518]

Our desire to praise and glorify God grows exponentially when we see the truth of His word and the fact that God has a plan to redeem EVERYONE through His amazing Son - and He gains ALL THE GLORY!
Ebook PDF Hope Beyond Hell The Righteous Purpose of God Judgment  edition by Gerry Beauchemin Politics  Social Sciences eBooks

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